
Release value calculator

Get a better idea of what your release value should be

Disclaimer: one must always refer to an ATK specialized technician to set up the release values. The values provided by this calculator are intended as guidelines and do not substitute the ATK specialized technician’s advice. ATK is not liable for incorrect set up of any release value, even those which were suggested by this page.

Like its installation, an ATK binding's release values should be adjusted by a trained professional for optimal and safe performance.

The values generated by this calculator are derived from a DIN settings chart specifically designed for the use of our bindings in controlled environments, such as those where an unintended release does not compromise the skier's safety.

For the activity of ski mountaineering, the responsibility for selecting the appropriate release value setting and accepting the associated risks lies solely with the user.

If the user intends to use the bindings in specific scenarios where a release could harm the skier more than an injury caused by too high release settings, the choice must be thoroughly assessed through a detailed consultation with a specialized ATK technician.

In general, the skier must always consult an ATK specialized technician to ensure that the settings are tailored to the user’s individual needs and circumstances.